Kefir Health Benefits And Things Know Before Eating

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Kefir (Kefir) And Health Benefits And Things To Know Before Eating

Kefir is a drink made from fermented milk. Such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sugary water or fruit juice with grains that contain yeast and bacteria. Contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and beneficial microorganisms. Which these nutrients May help support the functioning of the digestive system, nourish bones and help reduce cholesterol. 

Dairy kefir is similar to yogurt. But it is clearer and tarter. Water on the other hand, is similar to fermented tea. Kefir is available in both ready-to-drink form sold in stores and a form that you can make yourself at home. However consumption may not be suitable for some people. This article UFABET therefore collects benefits and precautions for consuming kefir safely for you.

Benefits of Kefir

Kefir may have several health benefits, including:

As a source of useful nutrients,
1 cup of low-fat or about 243 grams, provides 104 kilocalories of energy, contains 9 grams of protein, and 2–3 grams of fat, depending on the type of milk used to make kefir. It also contains 24% calcium, 25% vitamin B2, 29% vitamin B12, 20%  phosphorus and 12% vitamin D relative to the percent daily value (%DV or Daily Value).

Kefir also contains vitamin C, magnesium,  folate  and vitamin K. Which are beneficial to the body. However, non-dairy such as  coconut water  and other plant milks, may provide different nutrients than cow’s milk.

Helps in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kefir is known for its gastrointestinal benefits. Because contains probiotics. Which are beneficial microorganisms. Helps to maintain the balance of good and bad microorganisms in the intestines. Helps in the functioning of the digestive system Prevent illness from infection and may help relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal disease

Lactobacillus, use in fermentation, inhibits the growth of bad bacteria such as Salmonella, coli  and  H.p.i. Lori (H.Pylori) that can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal disorders such as  Irritable  Bowel Syndrome.

Probiotics are found more abundantly in fermented foods such as yogurt and kombucha. Kefir has found to contain more probiotics than yogurt. It also contains beneficial yeast. Also contains  tryptophan, an essential amino acid that researchers believe helps relax the nervous system and stimulate the digestive process.

Nourish bones
Kefir contains calcium that helps strengthen bones and teeth. Prevents fractures and osteoporosis.  Kefir also contains vitamin K2 a nutrient commonly found in meat, dairy and fermented foods. Vitamin K plays an important role in the breakdown of calcium and stimulates the binding of calcium to protein. which helps to build and maintain strong bones 

Studies have shown that rats given have increased calcium absorption in their bone cells. Makes the density of bone mass increase. This may help strengthen bones and prevent fractures.

Help reduce cholesterol.
The probiotics found in kefir may help lower cholesterol levels. Which may help prevent cardiovascular disease. The results showed that 75 overweight and obese subjects who drank kefir 4 times a day for 8 weeks continuously. have overall cholesterol levels And bad cholesterol (LDL) decreased compared to the group who drank low-fat milk twice a day.

Low in lactose.
Lactose is a sugar found in animal milk and dairy products. Some people’s bodies are unable to digest the lactose sugar in cow’s milk completely. also known as Lactose intolerance  , when drinking cow’s milk or eating dairy foods, can cause abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.